I feel like I have a love/hate relationship with weekends. I love the slower, relaxing pace they can have. But I also love to use them to get ready for the week so the week is a bit smoother and can also have relaxing moments! The combination of both is how to get the most out of your weekend along with these tips!

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Weekend
Make a list: I always make a to do list going into the weekend. Just like I do every other day. I love knowing what needs to get done because with two kids we have A TON going on all the time.
Set aside time for fun things: I need to be productive but I also want to have fun! We always try to do at least one family activity (swimming, movies, park, etc) and I love to work in time with friends or a date night if we can as well! It’s important to feel refreshed after your weekend and one thing that refreshes me is time with loved ones.
Meal plan/prep for the week: One of the things that help us a lot is having some things meal prepped for the week. Lots of cut-up fruits and veggies for lunches and snacks, healthy muffins ready for breakfast, hard-boiled eggs, and grilled chicken. It makes it easier to just get stuff thrown together in a healthy way. We also plan out what we are going to do for dinners for the week.
Start the week off clean: For this I mean changing sheets, washing towels, getting ahead on laundry etc. I also wash Charlotte’s nap mat from camp/school and make sure their clothes and shoes are all ready for the week.
Get in a good workout or two: I always try to do longer workouts on the weekend because sometimes weekday mornings the workouts get cut short. We also love to do a family walk or two (when it’s not 110 degrees).
Set aside time for yourself: This is super important in my opinion. I think having time to yourself over the weekend can help make you feel refreshed. Sometimes I will just go run a few errands alone. Or read when the kids are napping. Getting a manicure/pedicure or a massage is always a nice treat too!
Clear the clutter: I HATE clutter! I love to do a once-through on Sundays and throw out anything we aren’t using or anything that could be deemed as trash/clutter.
How do you get the most out of your weekend?