11 Things To Let Go Of In Your 30s

Well, I turn 39 in a little less than 2 months and it’s hard to believe that I am now getting closer to 40 than I feel comfortable with. But, with age comes wisdom right? I feel like we hold onto so much. People, bad habits, bad behaviors, etc. Once you hit your 30s most of these things seem so silly so I wanted to share 11 things to let go of in your 30s just in case you’re still holding on to them.

11 Things To Let Go Of In Your 30s

The number on the scale: This is something I am still trying to let go of, and honestly I think until I just get rid of having a scale this will haunt me. I wish (and I challenge you) that I could just focus on how I feel in clothes instead of the number.

Anyone who brings you down: This is something I think covers a variety of areas. I think on social media you can’t follow people who bring you down or make you feel less than or bad about yourself. I also think that in your life you can’t surround yourself with people who bring you down. If they aren’t cheering you on they don’t belong in your life.

Stuff you wore in your 20s that you would never wear again: Recently I did a MAJOR closet cleanout (more on that soon) and could not believe that I had a dress from 2007 that I had not worn in at least 8 years. Thank you, next.

College t-shirts: If you’ve been out of college for a decade maybe, say goodbye to the sorority and fraternity shirts.

Sleeping with makeup on: This is something we should NEVER do in our teens, 20s, or 30s! But especially in your 30s. It is HORRIBLE for your skin! All of my best skincare tips and products are here.

Not eating veggies: We are too old to pull the whole “I hate veggies” thing. There are so many delicious ways to cook them! Find one you like. I am also a huge fan of HUGE yummy salads and green smoothies so if raw or cooked veggies alone aren’t your jam try those things! Best salad chopper ever here. We also add asparagus to our dinner most nights which is a delicious and easy way to get greens in!

Trying to be a people pleaser: I am the worst about saying no. This year my word of the year is “no.”  Mostly because I never say no when people ask me a favor, to be on a committee etc and I start to feel really pulled in too many directions. As women, we have to stop this!

A career that makes you miserable: If you hate your job, start looking for a new one. You are still too young to be miserable! It’s so important in life to be happy!

Debt: I am not talking about a house payment, car payment, or student loan. I am talking about racking up credit card debt. If you can’t pay for it right now you don’t need it. I have so many great finance tips here.

Negative self-talk: I wish I could be perfect at this. I wish I could do this all the time but one thing I try really hard to do is not be too down on myself.

Unhealthy habits: Not sleeping enough, not eating healthy, not having balance, not exercising, and spending time with the wrong people. Terrible habits like these need to be gone!

What are some things to let go of in your 30s you think about?

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